Home KIMATAIFA Fifth Belt and Road Initiative Short Video Competition kicks off

Fifth Belt and Road Initiative Short Video Competition kicks off

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By speacil correspondent

-Beijing, China

The 5th Belt and Road Initiative Short Video Competition officially started in 2023, the year that marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

The event is advised by the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China and the Cyber Communication Bureau of the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission, co-sponsored by the China Public Diplomacy Association, the News Center of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council and Global Times Online.

 Votes will be given exclusively on Kuaishou and StarTimes will be the media partner of the event.

The event, themed “Open Up a New Chapter Together through Interconnection,” comprises a global competition zone and several overseas regional competition zones.

It aims at demonstrating how Chinese modernization is contributing to the progress of the world via short videos filmed by BRI constructors and people in Belt and Road countries. The event is expected to enhance the global community’s understanding of the China-proposed intiative.

Online soliocitation of entries has kicked off. Participants can submit their works under their own names or on behalf of organizations. Entries are expected to go through initial screening by the organizing committee, public voting and final evaluation.

The following awards will be given to participants for their entries: Integration of Civilizations Award, The Most Beautiful BRI Co-builders Award, Voice of the Generation Z Award, Popularity Award (China), Popularity Award (Overseas), The Best Technology Award, Communicator Award, Excellent Work Award, and Outstanding Organizer Award, etc.

The annual event has hosted four sessions in the past four years, gaining a stronger vitality and expanding influence. In the previous four sessions, nearly 3,000 entries from 89 countries and regions were submitted, which received over 1 billion views globally, around 100 million of which were overseas.

Sharing Belt and Road stories, presenting Belt and Road achievements and demonstrating China’s vision and actions on building the Belt and Road, the event draws a splendid picture of China and other BRI countries working together for a better future.

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